Spiritual Coaching
Walking your Talk

Walking your Talk

Walking your Talk

© How do I come into my strength?
© How do I learn to know and guard my limits?
© How do I embody my integrity?
© How do I fulfil my hearts desire?
© What is my position in life?
© How do I listen to my heart?
© Why do certain patterns keep repeating in my life?
© Where’s my self-confidence and how do I learn to develop that?


Do these questions resonate with you? Could you use some support and guidance in finding your answers?


Zubin Nur has years of experience of guiding people in searching and finding their strength and inspiration. Through Western Sufism and through various courses in communication, alternative and spiritual healing  she has learned many different techniques and practises which she uses to coach in maintaining contact with the inner core and living from The Source.

If there is a challenge in your life, the main thing is to remain and keep in tune with your heart centre and to trust that your answer is the correct one for you. Whilst maintaining respect for others.

We don’t have to always agree with one another, what is important is that we can listen to each other. Learning to listen from the heart. Without judgements. Letting go of the past ~ learning from it and no longer being hindered by it.


Living from the heart, contented with yourself, still aware and resonating with what goes on around you. In this way you will become a radiant beacon for yourself and for those who come into contact with you. By following our inner wisdom we can feel a great relaxation in our lives and in our relationships, because then we don’t ‘need anything from the other’.


As the Master Gandhi advised us: “Change the world, begin with yourself.”
Working on ourselves is the one place where we CAN instigate and maintain change. We can become masters over our own lives so we are no longer flotsam on the waves of life.
We have so many unused gifts and talents which remain unopened. Embark on the journey and open your qualities and so develop the power of standing in your strength.
In order to look clearly into our own mirror it can be supportive to use guidance or coaching. After all if we have something in our eye we often have to ask for help to remove it. This helps us learn other perspectives.


There are various possibilities to do this:
© Personal consultation, €90 sessions of 1,5 hours.
© A spiritual coaching traject 6 sessions of 1,5 hours in a year. €81 per session (a discount of €54 for the commitment to 6 sessions.)


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